Japanese official products Product description
Brand : KAMINOMOTO 加美乃素 Specially made strong Kaminomoto A unscented 180mL Made in Japan Promotes hair growth for thinning hair and hair loss Effective through combined action Scalp hair growth environment support Four scalp softening and moisturizing ingredients keep the scalp moderately moisturized and support the creation of a flexible scalp environment that facilitates hair growth Cleanses the pore environment Sebum, dandruff, and waste products clogged in the pores It dissolves and removes hair to create an environment conducive to hair growth, keeping the scalp and pores clean For healthy hair It works on the tissue around the hair root, which tends to lose its function, and supports healthier hair growth Supports dermal papilla and hair matrix cells Promotes hair growth by acting on the dermal papilla, which controls hair production and growth, and the hair matrix, which divides and forms hair Promotes blood circulation Promotes blood circulation in capillaries, promotes hair growth, and active ingredients.. Kamigen E (enmeisho extract), Kamigen K (bitter ginseng extract), cephalanthine (Tamazaki Katsuragi extract ingredient), pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6 hydrochloride), ethinyl estradiol, isopropylmethylphenol, salicylic acid [Efficacy/Efficacy] Hair thinning, hair growth promotion, hair growth promotion, hair growth, hair loss prevention, dandruff, itching, post-illness/postpartum hair loss, hair growth [Dosage/Dosage] Sprinkle an appropriate amount on the scalp and massage well please. *Twice a day (morning and night, etc.), the recommended amount for each use is 3 to 4 mL Shipping
Delivery: around two weeks after shipment Customs
duty:Our products are sold on a DDU (Delivery Duty unpaid) Kaminomoto(คามิโนโมโต)